I saw a spark of enlightenment yesterday teaching some Grade Fours. There wasn't much planned - hell, I used twenty minutes of class time to explain about the Beatles and sing 'Help!' - so I decided to use what little opportunity I had to teach Alphabet Pronunciation.
Japanese kids learn the Alphabet Song. Most of them incorrectly, as the song version most prevalent here goes like this: ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRSTU VWXYZ instead of the correct ABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRS TUV WXYZ that everyone else in the world learns. Anyway, I wrote it out on the board and asked if they knew it, to which everyone of course responded 'yes'. Then I asked them if anyone could tell me how to pronounce the first word on the lyric sheet - 'Help' - that I had handed out. No one could.
日 本人の子供達がアルファベットの歌を習うけど、大体皆が間違えて習う。日本でよく聞く版は世界中が習う正しいABCDEFG HIJKLMNOP QRS TUV WXYZじゃなくてABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRSTU VWXYZを勉強する。とにかく黒板で英字伊呂波を書いて「誰かがこれ知っているか」と聞いて皆が「はい」と答えた。それで「誰かが歌詞表の一番目の単語 の発音が言える?」と聞いた。誰もが「ヘルプ」と言えなかった。
See, although Japanese kids learn the alphabet and the alphabet song in elementary school, they don't learn the sounds that the individual letters make. So ask them to read a word and they just can't do it. But I have a way around that. I went through the alphabet pronouncing the basic sounds, like the short A (ah), the hissing sound that the individual S makes, and so on. Then I pronounced the letters of 'Help' individually, heh, ehh, ll, puh. heh lp. Help. Then I told them that if there's an English word that you don't know, just sound out the individual letters and half the time you'll be right.
理由は日本人の子供達が小学校でアルファベットとアルファベットの歌を習うのに、字ずつの音は勉強しな い。何かを読んで下さいと言っても何も出来ない。し かし僕は他の道を見つけた。アルファベットを黒板で書いて字ずつの個人的な音を説明した、例えば短いA(あぁ)とSの蛇みたいの音、などなどなど。それか らは「ヘルプ」の発音を字ずつで言った。へ、え、る、ぷ。それからは知らない英語の単語があったら、このように個人的な音を言ったら大体正しく言えるよっ て教えた。
That's when I saw it. One girl's face was flushed with enlightenment. I heard her mouth the words 'So
that's how you do it!'. The best thing is that she is one of the kids in the school who, by dint of her physical features, most likely has a Filipino mother. Always hard to be a minority, especially in Japan. But she
gets it. She has cracked the secret of English. I hope she is going around attempting to pronounce English signs and stuff.
そ の時は見た。一人の女子の顔で悟りの光が輝いていた。「あ、ソノようにするか!」と半分聞いた。一番いい所はこの子は外見を見ると十中八九はフィリピノ のお母さんが居る。特に日本で「普通」の格好以外の人の生活は難しいだろう。でも彼女はワカル!英語の秘密を解消した。彼女が市内で英語の看板の発音を 言ってみていると願う。
I'm definitely not part of the 'Destroy Japanese, Adopt English!' school of thought, but if you're going to teach a language, do it right. Now that I'm here, this area is going to suddenly turn out relatively competent foreign language students ... the revolution of the Iwate economy is at hand.

Found this T-shirt over at
Sinosplice. Excellent.
Oh and by the way, if you want to laugh until you die, go to
this website and read the English subtitles for the Chinese pirate version of Star Wars: Episode III. あ、そしてもし死ぬほど笑いたかったら、
A few days ago, one teacher who was rather fluent in English said how she once told an American man 'You make American joke' after he said something funny, and he then proceeded to get upset. She asked me why. I didn't quite understand. I told her what she said was kind of dumb, but not really offensive. Probably the guy had heard so much that he was sick of it and having a bad day. I explained about how non-Japanese people (who are not East Asian anyway) are repeatedly asked if we can use quicksticks and how it gets annoying after a while. Then it happened to me.
先日は英語ぺらぺらな先生が僕に質問を聞いた。或る日はアメリカ人の男性が面白い(変な?)冗談を言って から「あ、アメリカン・ジョークを作ったんじゃ ん」って言ったけど、彼が怒っていた。どうして怒っちゃうか分からなかったので理由を知りたかった。僕もあまり分からなかった。ま、言った事はちょっと馬 鹿だったと思うけどそんなに無礼じゃないと答えた。その人が多分その事をよく聞いた事が一杯あるのでもう嫌になったし、その日の機嫌も悪かったかもしれな いと思うって言った。日本人じゃない人(ま、東亜人以外の人)がよく「お箸使える?」と聞かれていてすぐ嫌になって疲れちゃうの事も説明した。但し、昨日 は僕が「アメリカン・ジョークを作った」って言われた。
When class begins or ends, kids have to stand up straight and bow to the teacher. It usually goes as 'Stand up! Attention! Bow! Sit!'. 'Attention' is 'ki wo tsuke', which some younger students sometimes mispronounce. So, when the kids were milling about, I wrote 清机, 'pure desk', which would be pronounced as 'kiyo dzukue'. The kids got a laugh out of it. They all know I like to play with the language, especially their names, like calling people named 佐藤 as 'sugar', because satou is a common last name in Japan but also the pronunciation for 砂糖, sugar. But then the teacher laughed and said, 'Ah, American joke!'
授業が始まると、子供達が立って先生に礼をする。普通は「起立!気を付け!礼!着席!」だ。時々若い子供達が「気を付け」の発音を間違えする。で、子供達 が教室で点在している間に僕が黒板で「気を付け」の代わりに「清机(きよづくえ」を書いた。生徒達が笑って「面白い」って言った。僕は日本語と遊ぶのが好 きだと皆が知っている。例えば、佐藤という生徒が居たらその人を大体「シュガー」と呼ぶ。佐藤、砂糖、あははは(機知)。でも、先生がいきなり「あ、アメ リカン・ジョークだ!」と笑った。
This left me kind of stunned. What the hell? How is a Canadian working with the Japanese pronunciations of different Chinese characters to create a joke out of 'Attention!' an
American joke?
But then at the end of class he had me hand out American flag stickers to the kids. I really have to start showing the flag more. でも授業が終わる時に生徒達にアメリカ国旗のシールを出して欲しいと命令された。僕は本当に自分の国の国旗をもっと示さなくちゃ。