
Friday, October 14, 2005

Paid for Nothing (maybe) 無目的で給料をもらう(かも)

So today and yesterday I was at the office. No school. Paid to go on the internet and study Japanese/Chinese. Paid for nothing.

Or was I?

The way I see it, it's kind of like management training. Pay the guy to improve himself and it's good for the company. In this case, by increasing my knowledge of Japanese (and I did some Chinese today too), it will eventually be good for Japan in terms of business/economy. I mean, I'm not going to learn languages so I can sit at home. Eventual translation/diplomacy, baby!

So anyway this is my wondrous office. Used to be an agricultural school. The stains from the old sign are still visible above the door.





I brought maple tea with me from Canada. It's actually good. カナダから楓茶を持ってきた。実際は美味しいよ。This was a pachinko parlour beside the highway. In the past week it has been reduced to rubble. Good! これは国道の隣のパチンコ屋だった。一週間の間だけに取り崩された。良かった!
I found a Mickey Mouse doll on the sidewalk on my way to the office yesterday. It must have fallen off some girl's bag. So, I picked it up, fixed the chain, and hung it on the bus stop in the hopes that the owner would see it ... so far, it's still there.  事務所に途中で行く時は歩道でミッキーの人形を見つけた。なんか或る女子の鞄から落ちちゃっただろう。で、僕がその人形を取って鉄鎖を直して持ち主が見 るためにバス停で貼った。でも、まだそこに懸かってある・・・If you recall, I live next to the loading dock of a supermarket. I was tempted to hijack this truck today. 僕がスーパーの隣に住んでいると忘れないでね。今日はこの自動車を盗もうかなと考えちゃった。
So anyway, I found a website that allows you to make church signs ... so I played around with it for a while. Enjoy! では、教会の看板を作るサイトを見つけた。よく遊んだのでどうぞご覧下さい!
And if you want to hear an awesome song, check out hitomi's new single, Japanese Girl, here. Hah, I wonder how long that'll stay up. By the way I saw hitomi in concert and she rocks. そして素晴らしい曲を聴きたかったら上のリンクをクリックして下さい。いつまで添付できるかな・・・あ、コンサートでhitomiを見たし彼女は最高だ。

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