Stopping by at Hong Kong U
Since my next stop is China, I've been shopping around for possible institutions of learning where I might finally become fluent in Mandarin, and give me job skills for the Asian market. These days, it really isn't enough to be able to speak just two languages - three is what gives you an edge. So, since Jamie is enjoying Hong Kong very much, once my tour on JET is finished, I'll most likely head there. Hong Kong University has a nice 2-year certificate course in Mandarin, and since I'll be able to practice Mandarin with Jamie and Cantonese with regular Hong Kongers, perhaps I'll be able to add those to my repertoire. I bet Dad is thinking, "The kid can learn Japanese, Mandarin and Cantonese, but he can't learn French?"
Being an older institution, the interior of Hong Kong University was exquisite. I wish this woman was my Chinese professor. It took a while to get up there, as the school is situated in the Mid-Levels of Hong Kong Island.
Outside, what appear to be cast iron dogs scratch their ears. Very Chinese, but I'm not sure of the meaning.
More Hong Kong University scenery.
The Mid-Levels as seen from Hong Kong University.
Professor Yang. 楊教師。
Along the way, we found something that was entirely appropriate. As anyone who was on exchange with me knows, I am very good at making a wolf costume for Halloween. (Note: I think that this character was part of a larger poem drawn on the sidwalk).
Since it was Sunday, there were no tours and most doors were closed, but we wandered around anyway. This is one of the inner gardens.
This was posted on a bulletin board. Funnily enough, despite what you'd read about in the papers, I would say that most Japanese people I work with know about it. Still, a translation for our Japanese readers follows.
A good idea, and probably necessary on any university campus. And you thought only Japan had chikan problems!
Hallowed halls of learning.
The front of the Main Building.
Wonderful architecture, isn't it. Looks to me like a good place to go. I feel like a bit of a shill for liking the place this much, but if the courses are as good as the exterior, I'm sold.
14 Comments 論評:
Heh. If my professors had looked like that, I don't think I'd ever have left University ;) I might even have paid attention...
How are you finding the pollution in Hong Kong? As bad as they say? I've read accounts that state that blue skies days are so rare that everyone and their dog hangs their washing out whenever one appears...
By Anonymous, at 3/27/2006 11:11 PM
That campus is absolutely beautiful! Almost as pretty as the Brock architecture! (Too bad there isn't a way to show how I'm rolling my eyes).
Now if only that film could get widespread playing in Japan.
By Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 6:03 AM
Crowley: I actually experienced visible pollution for the first time in Hong Kong. Real smog. Cough, cough. There was a bright day the first day, but everyone had their stuff out to dry regardless of cloud cover. Midlevels is where you want to live to escape the pollution.
Chris: Mmm yeah, that great Brock ... concrete! Ah well, Moriyama did a great job on the embassy in Tokyo. As for the film, the question to ask is, "What would Germany do?" and then apply to J-land.
By 羽之助, at 3/28/2006 10:13 AM
Ooh....pretty buildings. Much nicer than here at Laurentian...oh well, I guess most universities are! But yeah, don't worry about the whole not learning French thing...cuz it confuses the hell out of me too. So you're not alone in that boat. I have learned some Spanish and German, but still can't learn French, it's weird.
By Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 2:51 PM
Hi Pat..what is a "shill?" The school is just so beautiful...who were the architects? British influence? How old is the school?
By Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 3:10 PM
I keep meaning to ask you about your name change, or rather your Japanese name - under your picture in the "about me" column.
PS - obviously you have an aptitude for learning languages - French would be a breeze for you. Maybe someday, eh?
Love Mom
By Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 3:19 PM
kamikazesamurai no longer fits.
A shill is like an employee in a store and pretends to be a customer to make potential customers trust him and therefore buy a product.
The university was built before the First World War.
By 羽之助, at 3/28/2006 6:39 PM
Still, at least it'll allow you to proclaim in your loudest english accent "I SAY! IT'S A RIGHT OLD PEA SOUPER WOT WOT?"
Ahh, does a man proud.
By Anonymous, at 3/28/2006 7:29 PM
Learning Mandarin and Cantonese eh? That's tough... What's wrong with French, oui? (Wondering since you are Canadian)
The iron dogs look Japanese to me somehow. I never seen those kind of dog in Mainland China, I guess it's Hong Kong's art thing.
By Anonymous, at 3/29/2006 4:30 PM
From the short time I've been reading his words on the Internet, I would say 羽之助 was an absolute language FREAK! :)
What's your secret? :)
By Anonymous, at 3/29/2006 6:28 PM
Not really. I'm just starting Cantonese but it's pretty fun and I haven't confused it with Mandarin ... yet. I'm sure that will come. As for tones and whatnot, I don't bother wrapping my head around them - I just correct my pronunciation as per the tape/speaker. I will actually start relearning French sooner or later - I just didn't like it because it was something we had to do every day that I saw no use for. It was a chore, not something fun. I did some Brazilian Portuguese today and it was mildly entertaining. Anyway, the secret is ... don't think it's difficult. Don't think it's easy. Just do it bit by bit and be proud of your progress. Every time I'm asked to say "Invite her to eat something at your place" and I can say it without thinking (你想去我那儿吃一点儿东西?) I thrust my arms up in the air and say "YES! YES! I AM A GENIUS!!"
And HKU is a right old example of the superiority of chaps like us, wot wot!
By 羽之助, at 3/29/2006 6:39 PM
"I thrust my arms up in the air and say "YES! YES! I AM A GENIUS!!""
By Anonymous, at 3/29/2006 11:59 PM
結婚相談所 東京
目黒区 中古マンション
貸し倉庫 大阪
ヴィトン バッグ
ダビング サービス
株式 情報
ロレックス 時計修理
有料老人ホーム 川崎
渋谷 賃貸マンション
カイロ 資格
中古 製氷機
ECサイト 構築
音響 レンタル
大宮 不動産
先物 ネット
福生市 不動産
駒沢 マンション
結婚 悩み
通販 ファッション
沖縄 ダイビング
無月経 漢方
クロエ 財布
アザ 治療
部分 痩せ
和光市 新築
事務所 東京
メール 英文
ビジネススクール 英語
飲食店 求人
日野 土地
府中市 土地
日野市 土地
昭島市 土地
青梅市 土地
子宮内膜症 妊娠
By Anonymous, at 12/10/2009 1:43 AM
By 泉悠, at 5/13/2015 2:51 PM
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