The Differences between Canadian and Japanese Schools カナダと日本の学校の違い
This poster is for the Fifth All-Japan Elementary School Snowball Fight, which takes place in the neighboring prefecture. If I don’t have a meeting after lunch I usually go outside and do that with the kids, and become a target for everyone. Sure, I take a few snowballs in the face (didn’t anyone ever teach this kids that you DON’T aim for the head?), but all in all it’s great fun, just like I remember in Canada. Not at school, of course, because to whip a snowball at someone earned you an immediate trip to the principal’s office.
Another game that’s done all the time is dodgeball. One thing I’ve noticed is that since Japanese kids are more conditioned towards organization, they are able to start playing a game much quicker than I remember in Canada.
I went to a ramen shop near my house where the owner’s wife is Chinese. The whole interior is done in ‘Chinese’ style, mixed with Japanese elements. It’s great to see SOME place where China and Japan can get along all-friendly like. Plus I can go there for free Mandarin practice.
I had an enkai (read: excuse to drink party) where I had an exorcism (called a yakubarai,厄払い, lit. “bad luck get rid”) and I didn’t disappear like I thought. The food was all fish, as usual, but I had all the sashimi. Afterwards we went to a lounge, with hostesses (obviously) and I sang horrible karaoke. Thank God there was nobody else in the bar (for that is what it was, not as seedy as a hostess bar – these women have experience in pretending to be interested). Afterwards the women went out in the snow in their stockings and open heels to lead us to our taxis. Except for me, who biked home in the snow.
Calligraphy lessons in Japanese schools. It reads as ‘World Peace’.
Teaching the sixth graders job titles in English.
This is a “Nightmare Before Christmas” diorama thingy made by a sixth-grade girl. When you turn the metal handle, the pumpkins move. A work of pure genius.
Hot water kettles can be found in every office because at any given time someone is drinking tea, coffee, or making noodles. This one is awesome – the orange light lets you know exactly where the water is going to go.
One of the teachers is able to jump rope at super speeds, earning the jealousy of all students.
Let’s see, what else has happened? Went out last night to Paper Moon with some friends which was supposed to be about restarting the English classes but instead just turned into discussions over who was the stronger drinker. And a transvestite came in too, which was cool, except wow, your facial bone structure really doesn’t help you in your quest for femininity. Let’s pause for a moment here and look at the Japanese rendition of ‘transvestite’. In English it’s from the Latin roots ‘trans’, change, and ‘vestre’, clothes, according to Japanese? The most common is ‘New Half’, as in someone who has recently changed their sex except for the important bit. Since I hate katakana, I looked at the more scientific all-kanji word. It’s 服装倒錯者, or ‘clothes pervert person’. Talk about offensive. I suggest 交換服装者, change-clothes-person, or just 交服者.
他の出来事・・・昨日はまた紙月に友達と一緒に行った。なんかまた英会話教室を開始する為だったけどすぐ誰が一番酒強い話になった。そして、ニューハーフもバーに入った。凄くよかったけど、彼(彼女?)の顔の骨のせいで本当に女性っぽくなれないと思っている。ちょっと停止してこの事について考えよう。英語ならニューハーフは「transvestite」(ラテン語のtrans、交換、そしてvestre, 服装の元から)という。和製のカタカナ英語が嫌いので、もっと詳しい漢字熟語を調べた。日本語なら「服装倒錯者」という;すなわち「服の変態」。とっても面憎いと思う。自分の提案は「交換服装者」、それとも「交服者」。
I also got my credit card bill. When I first looked at it I thought I owed four thousand dollars and panicked for a while. Then I looked closely and found I had misread the numbers; it was just four hundred.
So it’s the weekend. Today I cleaned the apartment, and hopefully I can study some languages. Whether that actually happens depends on how fast I watch Simpsons episodes. Thank you, Charlene! On a side note, it's Chinese New Year. Wish I was in Hangzhou.