
Thursday, January 26, 2006

Again with the lack of updates! また変更してないな!

Okay, I thought I would just let the video of my trip to Hong Kong tell the story, but seeming as it takes an hour of editing for one minute of finished product, and then wait a few days for Google Video to post it, I should write about something in the interim to entertain you, the seething mob.
香港で撮った動画を旅路の物語を教えると思っていたけど、完全された動画の一分ずつの編集は一時間ぐらい掛かるし、Google Videoに上載(じょうさい、アップロードする意味。中国語から)するまでにもっと待たなくちゃので、貴方達の騒然な暴徒の為に面白い記事を書こうと決めた。

I was late in writing my New Year cards, so I rushed down to the central post office on New Year’s Day to shove them in. On the way there I found this park, called Urashima Park (whether it really was part of the back of some island or the guy who owned the land was called Urashima or what is not for me to know).

Some gods of luck are here in statue form though.

At the post office, other people were throwing their late cards into the post, so I didn’t feel too bad.

This poster is at my bank. Recently in Japan there have been crimes where someone calls up an old lady and says ‘Hey, it’s me, I need money’ to swindle the victim by making them think their son/daughter is in trouble. This poster lists possible scams, clockwise from top right: “It’s me, it’s me!”, “This is the police, your son caused a traffic accident”, “Please don’t tell anyone”, “I had a baby”, and “Mom, can you be my guarantor?”

Last weekend or so I went out with Yuuko and Liz for lunch, and we saw this ominous-looking black cat on the vending machines in front of this restaurant.

This has got to be the best smoke alarm poster ever. Punk brother playing guitar and smoking cigarettes in his room gets blasted by his sister (I think). It gets double points from me because it can be interpreted as anti-smoking a little.

I don’t know if it’s an advertising campaign but these backpacks are being sold with angel wings. Cute, but ultimately deadly, wouldn’t you think?

As I was walking through the grocery store one day they were selling sausages. Real sausages! I couldn’t believe it. I bought two, cut them up and used them in my fried rice. Yum. Oh yeah, I brought some Guizhou Black Bean Chili Sauce back from HK so now all my food is deadly.

Everyone knows that Japan whitewashes its history in high school (sarcasm re textbook). If that’s true, then elementary school kids are indoctrinated to be pacifists. This float says “Protect Article 9”, which is the article of the Japanese Constitution that prohibits offensive armed forces.

Walking through the department store, I saw a random origami class. It’s nice to know that there are still things about Japan that can surprise me in a good way.

How about this PS2 game entitled “The Catfight”? The Japanese title is just “Legend of the Cat Women”. このPS2ゲームはいかが?分からなかったら女性が喧嘩すれば英語で「猫喧嘩」という表現がある。

As we can see from the back, it consists of bikini sprites fighting each other. 裏を見ると、このゲームはただビキニを着ているスプライトの喧嘩だとすぐ分かる。

And who says the Japanese don’t know anything but their own country? Here’s a poster exhorting people to see the World Cultural Sites at Pusan and Gyeongju in Korea.

Why does your stomach hurt? According to this poster found in an elementary school, perhaps it’s because your bowels have grown fists and are punching away.

I, of course, have grown progressively mad. This is me wearing my panda tie and Chinawear. I have a beard because it’s cold. Simple.

11 Comments 論評:

  • I like your beard man. I've developed a shaggy goatee for myself.

    Beards and the like are for teachers. Keep it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/27/2006 9:33 AM  

  • Has the beard enhanced the power of your hair?!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/28/2006 12:13 AM  

  • Yeah, I guess I can fast-track my road to professorship with a beard. Plus it makes younger kids less inclined to attack me, although it may attract the older students - yesterday I was assaulted with a poke attack by about ten sixth-grade girls.

    Yes it has. Now people are interested in touching it and comparing the colour/hardness to the rest of the head hair. My unstoppability grows.

    By Blogger 羽之助, at 1/28/2006 10:19 AM  

  • *sheriks*..Ahh...too much hair

    My angel wing backpack shall fly me to safety...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/28/2006 1:18 PM  

  • I dare you to wear it at Brock.

    Too much hair? Just be glad I didn't post the large version of the Forbidden Avatar of Hair.

    By Blogger 羽之助, at 1/28/2006 7:00 PM  

  • ひげも似合うね(^^)。

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/30/2006 2:20 AM  

  • That forbidden Avatar of Hair makes all small children, Charlene, and baby versions of all reglious figures cry...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 1/30/2006 8:17 AM  

  • Nice to know I HAVE THE POWER!!!!

    By Blogger 羽之助, at 1/30/2006 8:55 PM  

  • 無料でエロ動画を見るならマンコとマナヴへ!無修正、AV女優、美少女、ベガスピアなどなどたくさんのエロ動画が見れるよ♪

    By Anonymous エロ動画, at 10/25/2010 1:31 AM  

  • アイドル・グラビアアイドルのセクシー画像や動画を紹介していきます♪

    By Anonymous セクシーアイドル, at 10/25/2010 1:33 AM  

  • 友達探し・恋人探し・セフレ探し…いろいろな出会いを紹介していきます!

    By Anonymous 出会い, at 10/25/2010 1:33 AM  

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