So the other morning I was riding to the office when I noticed that the guy who has a garden/farm by the creek had gathered all his brush together and set fire to it. Technically illegal, but as I was told by a Japanese teacher, if one person does it first then that OKs it for everyone else.
This stream is kind of weird. Concreted into a channel, it feeds rice fields stretching back into the ... uh, fields. I think.
The Japanese countryside appears to be divided into blocks, perhaps as a remnant of feudal zoning laws. So in the middle of a landscape apparently divided into "rice field" and "house" from time to time there will be a block marked "forest".
Beside this forest-block was a ... KURA! YAY!! I wanted to ask the owner of the house the history of it, but they had a really big car and so I thought they might not appreciate it. Plus I couldn't find the front door.
So I tramped into their backyard and took pictures from a closer angle.
A few nights ago when it was really cold someone tied up their dog outside the grocery store while they went in to get donuts or whatever. Poor doggy! Ah well, I'm sure Tessa (my family's dog) had to endure worse during Canada's winters.
There's this ... place on the road to my office that offers "companions" for hire. The signs say, in succession, "We offer polite companions dressed in Western or Japanese clothing", "Recruiting Companions now, hourly wage from ¥2500", and "Same-day pay OK". So ... is it a prostitution escort service or a geisha-like escort service?
I had to mail a package, and on the road I see the 〒 sign which denotes postal services. The sign on the building says they sell religious articles, but hey ... so I walk in and say "Hi, you have that sign that says postal services. Can you mail this package for me?" The girl says, "Postal services?" I say, "Yeah. You have the sign". The guy sitting at the desk then says "Not here. Go to Family Mart". Then, he switches to
English, and says "Go straight, turn right!"
小包を郵便したかったので、同じ道の〒の看板がある店に行った。建物の看板は宗教な商品を売っているって書いてあったが・・・入ってみて「大変失礼いたしますが、外で郵便の看板がありますしこれを送りたいんですが・・・」って言った。女性の店員が「郵便?」と返事した。「ええ。看板がありますが・・・」。机で座っている男性の店員が「ここではない。ファミリーマートでー」と言ったが、英語に替わって「Go straight, turn right!」と言った!!
That's almost as weird as the time I was in My Favourite Liquor Store and a random postman came in and asked me, in English, where I was from. Without an accent.
Peng's request, I went back to the graveyard from a few days before to examine it in more detail. I noticed an overturned sake cup on the ground from a long-ago offering.
All the headstones, fallen over and in a pile ...
This person died in 1830, the twelfth year of the Bunsei (文政) era. The writing down the middle is the person's posthumous Buddhist name (called a houmyou 法名), here "all heaven good snow truth", or maybe "true pleasant snow falls from under all heaven". One of the office girls told me that burning the dead didn't come into widespread use until after Meiji, so the bones of this person may still be resting under the earth here ...
Last night was a big party for the people working at the Young Worker's Hall, and I got invited because I'm the "English Teacher". I found out that the pottery class is held at a smaller hall up near where I live, so I asked if the English class could be moved to the Education-Exchange centre. Of course I was told that was impossible because all classes had to be done in the central location. What crap. The highlight of the evening was the attendance of the Chinese teacher, so I had a right old time speaking Mandarin (better than the last time which was in December, I might add). Her class starts in May; can't wait!
So yeah, I jumped on the bandwagon and bought a Potion. It tastes like ... any other Japanese energy drink, really, though I've yet to suffer any side effects. Yet. For 630 yen it's pretty damn steep for merchandising tie-in, but hey ...