The Right-Wingers are Nuts 右派の奴等は痴人だ
After leaving the Imperial Palace, there were various groups outside in the street carring banners like 'Japan is an Imperial Country' and 'The Emperor Must Be Revered'. Fine. I can live with that. However, they were passing out flyers at the street corner - and some were being passed out by women! - that detailed why Japan should NOT have a female emperor. The general argument presented in the leaflet was that historically it has been a male line, and even the past Empresses had inherited the throne because of their fathers, not mothers, and if a woman became Empress then her children would inherit the male blood of the non-imperial-family member and thus cease to be royal, and other countries allow the first born child to succeed to the throne but dammit, Prussia didn't, so Japan doesn't have to either. And other bullsh*t.
皇居を出てから「日本は皇国だ」とか「天皇尊 敬」のような旗を持っている団体を一杯見た。別にいい。但し、どうして日本は女帝が許せないの理由は載ってい る広報を道角で出していたし、女性も出していたのは信じられない!一般な論じは歴史的に男系だった、昔の女性天皇もお母さんじゃなくてお父さんから天皇に なったので本当は男系、現代の女性が天皇になったら配偶者とするの子供が「彼」の子供になると血統が彼のになってもう皇族な子供じゃないし、他国の王族で 一番年上の子供が次の王か女王になれるけど、プロシアはその制度がなかったので日本はそうする訳ない、等等等の糞ばかり。
And so I created this little button. I mean really, I can just read the headline now: "Imperial Line Extinguished; Imperialists Rejoice, "At least a woman didn't ascend the throne" as millennia-old tradition dies."
そのせいでこの小さな釦を作っ た。何か新聞が想像できる・・・「皇位継承が消え;皇帝主義者が喜び。二千年間以上な伝統が亡くなり「女が天皇に成らなくてよかったね!」と宣言し」。
Then the menacing right-wing trucks and vans started to appear, screaming 'Tennou-Heika Banzai ... BANZAI!!!!' over and over again.
Whatever semblance of tolerance I had disappeared when I saw this big black truck. It's designed to bully people into following the doctrine of Emperor-reverence.
What do most people think of it? Not much, judging by the graffitti on this sign.
I went back to Tokyo Station at this point. Here we see the dome from the inside of the station.
This is the old part of the station and actually looks good compared to the concrete crap that makes up the rest of it.
I then planned to visit the Yasukuni Museum. On the way there I found another propaganda van!
皇居を出てから「日本は皇国だ」とか「天皇尊 敬」のような旗を持っている団体を一杯見た。別にいい。但し、どうして日本は女帝が許せないの理由は載ってい る広報を道角で出していたし、女性も出していたのは信じられない!一般な論じは歴史的に男系だった、昔の女性天皇もお母さんじゃなくてお父さんから天皇に なったので本当は男系、現代の女性が天皇になったら配偶者とするの子供が「彼」の子供になると血統が彼のになってもう皇族な子供じゃないし、他国の王族で 一番年上の子供が次の王か女王になれるけど、プロシアはその制度がなかったので日本はそうする訳ない、等等等の糞ばかり。
And so I created this little button. I mean really, I can just read the headline now: "Imperial Line Extinguished; Imperialists Rejoice, "At least a woman didn't ascend the throne" as millennia-old tradition dies."
そのせいでこの小さな釦を作っ た。何か新聞が想像できる・・・「皇位継承が消え;皇帝主義者が喜び。二千年間以上な伝統が亡くなり「女が天皇に成らなくてよかったね!」と宣言し」。
Then the menacing right-wing trucks and vans started to appear, screaming 'Tennou-Heika Banzai ... BANZAI!!!!' over and over again.
Whatever semblance of tolerance I had disappeared when I saw this big black truck. It's designed to bully people into following the doctrine of Emperor-reverence.
What do most people think of it? Not much, judging by the graffitti on this sign.
I went back to Tokyo Station at this point. Here we see the dome from the inside of the station.
This is the old part of the station and actually looks good compared to the concrete crap that makes up the rest of it.
I then planned to visit the Yasukuni Museum. On the way there I found another propaganda van!
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