Valentine's Day in Japan 在日本のヴァレンタイン日
So I'll talk about the title of this post and then go back in time to talk about other stuff. Sound good? Okay. Now, shut up and read and behold the pretty pictures.
One of the schools I was at last week was having a day where the older students would go to the younger grade classes to dispense guidance and stuff like that. I remember doing the same thing in my elementary school. I hated it, as I recall.
At another school, I was browsing around the teacher's office when my eyes fell upon this incredibly disturbing picture. Kids have cooking classes, and this is a cooking textbook. She looks like she just dumped a bunch of arsenic in her baked goods.
In accordance with my previous stance, if you're going to teach something, make an effort to teach it right. Subject-verb agreement, people! The only way this gets forgiveness is if it was actually written by an elementary or junior high student.
Japan likes its tobacco, and the unscrupulous youth can easily buy cigarettes and alcohol from vending machines. This one, however, has a sign that says it will have an "adulthood verification function" device attached to it in 2008. A bit late, and I think the cigarette vending machines should be outlawed completely, but better than nothing.
A few days ago, a fire truck raced by one of the schools. Meaning that there was a fire somewhere in the neighbourhood, the school officials quickly telephoned the fire department, got the address of the fire, checked to see if any student's houses were nearby, and finding that there were, quickly called the house and called the kid to the office to prepare for any possible shock. All of this within maybe 1 minute. Cool and commendable.
On the weekend, I was hitching a ride with my friend on the way to our weekly soccer game. We went by the Culture Centre, and due to some kind of event and people parking on the road because they couldn't bother to do it in the lot, what should have been a 30 second ride to pick up her brother turned into 15 minutes. Attention all road-parking 4-way-flashers: YOU ARE ALL BASTARDS, DIE DIE DIE.
Walking home, found this at the entrance to a person's driveway. Shinto paper, to protect against the entrance of evil spirits and such.
Since the school term is winding down, I've been having the last lessons of the year with the more regular schools. I've received wonderful "memory books" of the past year (I've only been in the schools for 6 months but they all say "Thank you for a year of teaching" - I think they need to check their math), but the real gems are when the students say "Your classes are always interesting" "I look forward to coming" and best of all, "I hated English but now I love it". Since they are relatively few, I believe these testimonials. Hurrah, I have worth!
In other news, to help me with the increasing number of Brazilian kids in the schools who do not speak Japanese, which is the main language of instruction for my English classes (oh sure, you laugh, but I can spend either 30 seconds explaining the game in Japanese or 10 minutes in English), I have ordered a "Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese" book. My Chinese textbook has just shipped, so I will be studying that soon too.
Valentine's Day in Japan basically means all the women have to hand out chocolate to all the men, which is known as "obligation chocolate". I almost thought the women in our office weren't going to do it, and I was quite happy because 70% of Japanese women hate the "tradition", but I got one anyway, in the shape of an amused monkey. While I appreciate the gift, and will have a White Day return present in the form of white alcohol (pina colada, anyone?), the choice of monkey is ironic in that a few JETs refer to themselves as "trained monkeys" - amusing people who speak English but are not to be taken seriously or thought of as more than a toy. Sometimes.
日本のヴァレンタイン日は、基本的に女性が男性の皆に「義理チョコ」を出すという事だ。朕の事務所の女性達がそうしないと思っていた。日本で女性の70%が義理チョコの「習慣」が嫌いのでこっちの女性職員はしないと思っていたけど、やっとした。朕は笑っている猿のチョコをもらった。贈り物を頂くともちろん感謝するし、ワイトデー(ホワイトじゃないよ!hな音(ホ)は英語のwhiteに全然入ってない!)の白酒の様な恩返し(ピニャ・コラダは如何?)も準備するけど、猿が選ばれたのはとても諷刺っぽいだ。する人数はちょっと少ないと思うけど、外国語指導助手が時々自分を「調教された猿」と呼ぶ。なぜなら、我々は英語で喋っている者だが、真面目的に考えされてないし、おもちゃ以上の様に尊敬されていない。時々。The office supervisor, of course, got entirely appropriate chocolates. I really want to know where the girls got these particular ones. The packaging reads as "girl's kisses".
事務所の担当者がもちろん適当なお菓子をもらった。女性達がどこでこれを買ったか本当に知りたい。The shop where I bought stamps from the Angry Old Man and also purchased the Evil Potatoes is closed! One day I was going by it on my bike on my way back from the BofE, and it was shut with 'For Rent' signs on it! What the heck? I mean, I hated the shop but I'd at least like to what what happened.
Edit: I talked to the bike shop guy next door, and apparently the husband died, so the wife decided to close shop.
「怒りの爺」から切手を買って「悪じゃが芋」も買った店が閉店した!或る日朕は教育委員会から戻って隣の道に乗っていたが、閉店して「入居募集中」の看板が貼っていた!何これ?まいや、その店が大嫌いだったが、少なくても何が起こったか知りたい。Edit: I talked to the bike shop guy next door, and apparently the husband died, so the wife decided to close shop.
One of the schools I was at last week was having a day where the older students would go to the younger grade classes to dispense guidance and stuff like that. I remember doing the same thing in my elementary school. I hated it, as I recall.
At another school, I was browsing around the teacher's office when my eyes fell upon this incredibly disturbing picture. Kids have cooking classes, and this is a cooking textbook. She looks like she just dumped a bunch of arsenic in her baked goods.
In accordance with my previous stance, if you're going to teach something, make an effort to teach it right. Subject-verb agreement, people! The only way this gets forgiveness is if it was actually written by an elementary or junior high student.
Japan likes its tobacco, and the unscrupulous youth can easily buy cigarettes and alcohol from vending machines. This one, however, has a sign that says it will have an "adulthood verification function" device attached to it in 2008. A bit late, and I think the cigarette vending machines should be outlawed completely, but better than nothing.
A few days ago, a fire truck raced by one of the schools. Meaning that there was a fire somewhere in the neighbourhood, the school officials quickly telephoned the fire department, got the address of the fire, checked to see if any student's houses were nearby, and finding that there were, quickly called the house and called the kid to the office to prepare for any possible shock. All of this within maybe 1 minute. Cool and commendable.
On the weekend, I was hitching a ride with my friend on the way to our weekly soccer game. We went by the Culture Centre, and due to some kind of event and people parking on the road because they couldn't bother to do it in the lot, what should have been a 30 second ride to pick up her brother turned into 15 minutes. Attention all road-parking 4-way-flashers: YOU ARE ALL BASTARDS, DIE DIE DIE.
Walking home, found this at the entrance to a person's driveway. Shinto paper, to protect against the entrance of evil spirits and such.
Since the school term is winding down, I've been having the last lessons of the year with the more regular schools. I've received wonderful "memory books" of the past year (I've only been in the schools for 6 months but they all say "Thank you for a year of teaching" - I think they need to check their math), but the real gems are when the students say "Your classes are always interesting" "I look forward to coming" and best of all, "I hated English but now I love it". Since they are relatively few, I believe these testimonials. Hurrah, I have worth!
In other news, to help me with the increasing number of Brazilian kids in the schools who do not speak Japanese, which is the main language of instruction for my English classes (oh sure, you laugh, but I can spend either 30 seconds explaining the game in Japanese or 10 minutes in English), I have ordered a "Teach Yourself Brazilian Portuguese" book. My Chinese textbook has just shipped, so I will be studying that soon too.
3 Comments 論評:
How very un-teacherlike Pat. I'm disappointed. What you have to do is ignore those Brazilian students, and complain about them whenever you get a chance... not FACILITATE THEM.
Good lord.
By Anonymous, at 2/21/2006 12:41 AM
婚活 悩み
婚活 名古屋
サンゴ 通販
目黒線 土地
空調機 メンテナンス
ヴィトン バッグ
投資顧問 助言
資格 介護
出会い系 感想
過払い請求 無料相談
セイコー 時計修理
介護施設 川崎
三軒茶屋 賃貸
モバイルサイト 構築
ピアノ レンタル
さいたま市 一戸建て
福生市 不動産
駒沢大学 不動産
マンション 貸す
恋愛 カウンセリング
クレジットカード 現金化
通販 ファッション
石垣島 シュノーケリング
港区 不動産
卵巣チョコレートのう胞 漢方
クロエ 財布
和光市 土地
賃貸事務所 東京
外食 求人
国立市 土地
国分寺市 土地
多摩市 土地
武蔵村山市 土地
日の出町 土地
子宮腺筋症 漢方
By Anonymous, at 12/10/2009 1:45 AM
By 泉悠, at 5/13/2015 2:35 PM
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