
Thursday, February 23, 2006

Snip チョキチョキ

Since I got these booklets from the kids at one of my schools, I went to a stationery store and picked up some special paper to write thank-you certificates. The principal of the school had told me where I could buy the paper, so I went into his office today to thank him.

It appears that when he leaves his office, he tapes a picture of himself to a stuffed bear and leaves it in his chair. God I love this guy.

Today the fifth-years were making Brazilian food.

I forget what they're called but they were pretty good.

I wonder if this is a company that makes food ingredients specifically for Brazilians in Japan?

It was actually an extremely good day at that school. Sure, I had the Class from Hell, which is always a downer but oh well. The only one I really care about is a girl I call Satori-chan, or 'Miss Enlightenment' as she is one of maybe four people in the whole class who pays attention and doesn't try to assault other students. More info in English here.

Oh yeah. I got my hair cut.

And, the video of Day Two in Hong Kong is online.

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