An Interesting Night Out
Yesterday was a blast! Delivered a short Hong Kong lecture because it was the last day at one of my classes, then went to the office to shock everyone with the beardless face. The evening was pretty good, as I went to the JTB office with friend Liz. We technically arrived after closing, but we gaijin smashed our way in and got her her tickets to Okinawa. After that, we walked to Strawberry Cones, which despite the name sells pizza. Good pizza, especially for Japan with its reputation for bad pizza. On the way there, I actually said "Let's Pizza" and was immediately kicked by Liz for it. Good. We ordered a large, took it back to my apartment and stuffed ourselves. After a few printing misadventures, Liz drove me downtown to the post office so I could meet Uri.
We headed to (where else?) Paper Moon, where I just drank coffee (because I was sleepy) and Uri just drank assorted fruit drinks (because he was driving). Mr. Watanabe provided the usual cool demeanour, and we chatted with him and co-bartender Keiko for a while about life in Japan and overseas.
Then, two men walked in. One was white, the other, Japanese. They were speaking English. At first, we were pretty cold to each other. Then I suggested to Uri that we switch our speaking language to French. The white guy, hearing this, switched to French and asked where we were from. It turns out that he was from Montreal, from the same neighbourhood as Uri, and was in Japan to do some filming. We talked until around 2 and then headed off to our respective apartments/hotels.
Today I watched a German movie about the end of the war and the fall of Berlin, called Der Untergang. Highly recommended.
Oh yeah, and in this story, Tottori Prefecture will soon ensure that violations against human rights will go unpunished.
Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 05:00 EST
TOTTORI — The Tottori prefectural government submitted a bill to the prefectural assembly on Friday to indefinitely suspend the enforcement of an ordinance aimed at protecting people from racial discrimination and other human rights violations, citing lack of support from legal circles. The bill is likely to be approved on March 24, the final day of the current assembly session, and the scheduled implementation of the ordinance on June 1 will be postponed indefinitely, prefectural officials said.
Hurray for the Tottori Inhuman Rights Act of 2006!
And finally, I now have gold hair.
We headed to (where else?) Paper Moon, where I just drank coffee (because I was sleepy) and Uri just drank assorted fruit drinks (because he was driving). Mr. Watanabe provided the usual cool demeanour, and we chatted with him and co-bartender Keiko for a while about life in Japan and overseas.
Then, two men walked in. One was white, the other, Japanese. They were speaking English. At first, we were pretty cold to each other. Then I suggested to Uri that we switch our speaking language to French. The white guy, hearing this, switched to French and asked where we were from. It turns out that he was from Montreal, from the same neighbourhood as Uri, and was in Japan to do some filming. We talked until around 2 and then headed off to our respective apartments/hotels.
Today I watched a German movie about the end of the war and the fall of Berlin, called Der Untergang. Highly recommended.
Oh yeah, and in this story, Tottori Prefecture will soon ensure that violations against human rights will go unpunished.
Tottori to halt human rights ordinance
Saturday, February 25, 2006 at 05:00 EST
TOTTORI — The Tottori prefectural government submitted a bill to the prefectural assembly on Friday to indefinitely suspend the enforcement of an ordinance aimed at protecting people from racial discrimination and other human rights violations, citing lack of support from legal circles. The bill is likely to be approved on March 24, the final day of the current assembly session, and the scheduled implementation of the ordinance on June 1 will be postponed indefinitely, prefectural officials said.
Hurray for the Tottori Inhuman Rights Act of 2006!
<人権救済条例>施行停止の条例案を提案 鳥取県知事
表現の自由を侵すなどと批判を浴びた鳥取県人権救済条例について、片山知事は24日開会の定例県議会に、条例の施行を無期限停止する条例案を提案した。 主要会派が賛成、可決される見通し。同条例は県弁護士会が条例の運営にあたる県人権救済委員への弁護士派遣を拒否、片山知事が抜本的に見直す意向を示して いた。
表現の自由を侵すなどと批判を浴びた鳥取県人権救済条例について、片山知事は24日開会の定例県議会に、条例の施行を無期限停止する条例案を提案した。 主要会派が賛成、可決される見通し。同条例は県弁護士会が条例の運営にあたる県人権救済委員への弁護士派遣を拒否、片山知事が抜本的に見直す意向を示して いた。
(毎日新聞) - 2月24日14時27分更新
And finally, I now have gold hair.
6 Comments 論評:
And your school is okay with you having gold hair?!
By Anonymous, at 2/26/2006 12:22 AM
looking good!
By Anonymous, at 2/26/2006 4:05 AM
Well, I'm going to be in the office for a month so it doesn't really matter. And if I can't get in trouble for having a beard like Czar Nicky, then I don't think anyone cares if I have gold hair.
By 羽之助, at 2/26/2006 10:26 AM
The haircut and bleaching is definately a big improvement.
By Anonymous, at 2/26/2006 2:08 PM
Heh, you're a gaijin. If they give you guff about the hair you can tell them it's your natural color.
If you could get in trouble for having blond hair, I would have been fired long ago. :D
By MNJetter, at 2/27/2006 3:58 PM
I just got back to the office and nobody even NOTICED I have gold hair now. In fact, one of my friends yesterday said "Now you look like a real foreigner" (arrggh!).
By 羽之助, at 2/27/2006 8:36 PM
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