
Saturday, November 12, 2005

Busy Week Part 2 忙しい週間(第二話)

On Monday I went to The Western Pole, the school farthest to the west that is in my jurisdiction. It was a Halloween theme, so I brought along A Series of Unfortunate Events, being unable to find The Nightmare Before Christmas (too bad).
月 曜日は「西極」(僕の地域の一 番西の小学校)に行った。ハロヰーンの主題だった。「クリスマスの前の悪夢」が見つけられなかったから「世にも不幸せなできごと」を持ってきた。

I feel rather sad when I got to West Pole, because the kids are actually pretty smart and enthusiastic, but the English coordinator hates English and was only chosen because nobody else would do it. No real second language education here. This is not to slight the teacher – she’s actually quite good at her job. It’s just that she hates English the way I hate math. Anyway, there must have been some kind of play, because these two girls walked in with horse heads on.
西 極に行 くはちょっ と悲しい感じ;生徒達は大体頭いいしやる気もあるけど、英語の担当者は英語が嫌いだ。他の先生が担当者の仕事をすると志願しなかった訳だけで彼女がやって いる。本物の第二言語教育はない。これは先生を軽蔑する事ではない;僕は算数が嫌いように彼は英語嫌い。とにかく、その日は何か文化祭か演劇があった のでこの二人の子が馬の頭の帽子を被っていた。

After coming back to Ichinoseki, we went to a Halloween party at Paper Moon. Jamie, befitting her soul, went as a devil, while I opted for a pirate, which pretty much consisted of me putting on a white shirt.

On Wednesday I was at Spiderbridge, where t
hey had some kind of activity day where they pretty much ran around the school playing games to get parts of a keyword. I joined in on such games as picking up beans with quicksticks or rolling a ball.

School finished early, and so it was off to Hanamaki for a night at the onsen! The next day was a national holiday, Culture Day - and what better way to show Japanese culture to a Chinese girl than through an onsen? I booked a room closest to the mixed bath, which coincidentally happened to be one of the oldest buildings at the hotel complex. Excellent!
学 校は早く終わりましたので花巻に行って温泉で時間を過ごしはじめた!次の日は祝日(文化の日)だったし、中国人の女性に日本の文化を自慢的に示すのは温 泉に連れてくる方法しかないでしょう?混浴露天風呂の近くに在る部屋を予約したけど、偶然的に温泉団地の一番古い建物だったかもしれなかった!素晴らし い!

At the mixed bath, we encountered several varieties of old men, many of whom seemed interested in casually staring at Jamie's body. If anyone is planning on going to a mixed bath, I would suggest getting a whole group of friends together. Otherwise there is no "fun". I also met a hotel attendant, an older woman, who during our entire conversation did not look at me once, but just talked to Jamie who did not say a word! We also saw some old smoking advertisements.
混 浴露天風呂で色んな老男の種類が見えたし、皆はジエメイの全裸をじっと見る事に特に興味があるそうだった。誰かが混浴温泉に入るつもりがあれば、友達団 体で行く方がいいと思うよ。それ以外はあまり楽しくない。後は旅館員に会うは面白かった。僕達の会話中では僕の顔を全然みてくれなくて日本語が分からない ジエメイの顔を見ていただけ!そして古いタバコの広告も見た。

There was an old shrine outside dedicated to the onsen. Jamie's first time.

Hanamaki is only two stops away from Kitakami, which has an awesome movie theatre. Being so close, upon leaving the onsen we went there. We wanted to see Corpse Bride, but that wasn't playing until late afternoon, so we opted for Brothers Grimm instead. Which was pretty good, actually! On the way we discovered this clothing shop, which Omar (the bastard) later noted was rather close to my name.



November is Shichi-Go-San time, and a nice shrine on the way to the theatre is Suwa Shrine.

On the way there we met a girl and her grandmother, who happily showed us the proper way to enter and attend the shrine.

Here Jamie contemplates her own Shichi-Go-San.

Since it was Culture Day, a lot of Japanese flags were on display. You hardly ever see them outside of special days.

Kitakami has a kind of covered shopping street similar to Osu in Nagoya, but dead.

Inside the mall housing the movie theatre, we noticed a very thorough cleaning service being advertised. After coming back from the movie to Ichinoseki, I realized that somewhere along the line my keys had fallen out of my pocket. This was bad because it meant I had to carry my bicycle home (mostly with Jamie's help), very bad because it robbed me of my primary means of transportation, and extremely bad because it had my inkan on it. However, since the next week I would be going back to Hanamaki for JET purposes, I decided to wait until I could retrace my steps. Fortunately Jamie had my apartment key.
映画館が入っているデパートでとっても完全な掃除サービスの広告を見た。一関に戻ってから途中でポケットから鍵が落ちてしまったと気になった。これは自転 車を運んでいかなくちゃならなかったから悪運だったけど、印鑑も付いてたので最悪運だった。しかし、当時の来週はJETの為に花巻に戻るので道を再び歩き するまでに待つと決めた。ジエメイが僕のアパートの鍵を持っていたのはよかった。

On Friday afternoon we headed into Sendai for the weekend. I introduced Jamie to okonomiyaki.

While in the bookstore in the Loft near Sendai Station I found this adorable little title.

I had previously agreed to come to a UNESCO meeting to talk about Canada on Saturday, so I took the Shinkansen back up to Ichinoseki. Waiting for my ride outside the station, I saw 3 workers demolish an ATM. One shoveled out concrete while the other two smoked and talked.

I then went back to Sendai and spent the night wandering around with Jamie. This is for you, Chris. The street is called Clis Road, an acronym for Creative Life In Shopping, not Chris, unfortunately. Someone should have told the designer of the similarity to the word clitoris. I wonder if they have special Clismas shopping here?

Here is a nice view of Santa's ass.

The sign says "No parking of bicycles or motorcycles here". Obviously there are approximately one billion bicycles or motorized bikes next to these signs. The city could make so much money in fines, too bad they don't do anything.

This guy was on top of a van belonging to the 'Japan New Revolution Party', yelling about how Chinese and Korean food products were full of poison and Japan should ban all imports. Too bad the country would starve. Although I doubt this would make many Koreans or Chinese sad. The large banner on top says 'Realization of the Imperial Manifest' or something. Perhaps Akihito speaks to this guy in his sleep. Although he's probably misinterpreting the Emperor's true words, which are probably 'Shut the fuck up and make my granddaughter Empress'.
この車の上に立っている男が中国と韓国の食事輸入は毒ばかりなので日本が輸入を全て禁止しなくちゃって叫んでいた。そうすると中国人と韓国人が別に悲しく ならないと思うけどさ。上の看板で天皇の命令を従うぐらいの意味じゃない。平成天皇がこの男は寝ている間に接続的に脳味噌に話し込んでいるかな。この男が 多分天皇陛下の本物の言葉:「口を閉め黙れ、そして朕の孫娘を天皇にやらせ」と誤解していると思う。

Name of a bar and or restaurant. Nice. レストランか居酒屋の名前だ。いいな。

Buddhist monk on the street. It's always a good idea to donate.

Well, that was my week with Jamie. The next article will deal with the JET midyear conference.

2 Comments 論評:

  • I have my own road.

    More proof that I rule.

    And it looks like you lost weight, rather than gained it.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/15/2005 8:42 AM  

  • うん。パットは急がしすぎるのか、すごくやつれて見えるよ。多分、48歳くらいに見える。


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11/16/2005 4:58 AM  

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