
Friday, June 03, 2005

Quite Possibly the Worst Dream Ever

Wow. It definitely grew directly out of the dental conversation with Lisa yesterday at work.

I dreamed that I was late for my exam, so I rushed to find a toothbrush. All I could find was my old one, so I jammed it into the electric base, turned it on, and started brushing ...

The high-powered motor of the electric toothbrush (which I don't own in reality, by the way) caused my two bottom teeth to fall out and disintegrate. Which began a chain reaction within my mouth. My ride then called the house, asking where I was, and she was going to the exam without me. Then I realized that I had forgotten to book off work on the busiest night of the season. So there I was, holding my teeth in my hand, attempting to speak on the phone to call for a taxi, before I had to call the university to let them know that I would be late for the exam I had to write in seven minutes, and call Lisa to let her know that I could'nt do opening.

What exam was I late for, by the way? The Apocalypse.